Sussex Decking

Sussex Decking, part of the Garden Adventure Group, provide a personable decking service in the South East. Our customer recommendations are testimony to our enthusiastic and professional approach.

Mr P Boyle said "Lovely work, very happy with decking. "

View more of our decking testimonials from real customers.

Based in East Grinstead, West Sussex, we have been installing decks in the surrounding areas since 2001. During this period we have worked all types of wood and decking designs from small stand alone platforms to fully integrated raised decks with safety balustrade.

Thinking of installing a deck on your property ? We would be pleased to carry out a site visit to further discuss your requirements - call Martin today, 07811 379561

Wood decks are exceptionally flexible structures that may be located to suit you, all your family as well as the property you reside in. Perhaps you need to enjoy your deck in a sunny open site, have being a garden island a combined gallery and veranda, or in an intimate, shady spot - it's over to you. However, so that you can maximum benefit take pleasure in your deck you need to give a little time to think about how to locate your new deck.

Bear in mind :

  • Will the deck get the sun at the time of day when I want to be using it ?
  • Do I want to be shaded from the sun in high summer ?
  • Will the location dictate a balustrade for safety purposes ?
  • How do I want to access the deck ?

Looking for a quote ? Please call Martin on 07811 379561 and we will be pleased to assist. We cover most of the South East including East Sussex, West Sussex, Surrey and Kent

Evening Sunshine Standard softwood decking Softwood decking and pergola Making best use of sloping ground

01342 477774

19 Manor Road

East Grinstead

West Sussex

RH19 1LP